Thursday, August 21, 2008

first post!

I can't quite believe I've started a blog, but I do need to do something with my brain now and then. (Other than plan out a week's worth of meals, or try and calculate whether it's a better deal to pay sales tax at retail or shipping costs online.) My hypothesis is that my life might seem more interesting (to me, even) if I write about it.... we shall see.

I came up with Think Read Knit because--surprise, surprise--those are three things I do almost every day (well, except for knit. And I'm counting things like nutrition labels and street signs when I say that I read every day).

What are some of the things I probably will write about here? Baby stuff, of course, since I have a three-year-old son and a three-month-old daughter. I dabble in baby signing, cloth diapers, and elimination communication/diaper-free practices. I'm a huge fan of every baby sling/carrier under the sun. And I'm always on the lookout for fun kid and baby clothes. So those are some topics you'll read about here.

Living green, being part of a community, eating with and cooking for my family, traveling the world (both with and without small children)--those are some of the other subjects that undoubtedly will arise.

I'll also tell you what I'm reading, what's on my to-read list, and probably the books I'm currently reading aloud to Meris (and sometimes to Matea, too).

And last but not least, I'll let you know what I've got on my needles.

My posts may be somewhat short and sporadic, given that my free time comes in short, irregular bursts. But Meris does start school on Monday, so I'll surely get into a blogging groove within the next few weeks.

More soon (with photos!),

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have time to think? When? My kids are much older and they never give me time for thinking. Reading, on the other hand, is no problem.. as long as I am reading to them!